Indoor Infection Safety System
An Integrated Indoor Infection Safety System for the With-Corona Era
(The project was conducted as a course project for POSTECH Creative IT Design Course.)
In South Korea, in the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19, movement tracking is used to identify close contacts and to let them undergo PCR test. However, the current technology which identifies location based on GPS records is not eligible for identifying the degree of indoor contacts. It is a commonly known fact that the probability of COVID-19 infection gets much higher in an airtight indoor environment. Therefore, it is necessary to have a technology that can identify indoor movements rather than that of outdoor. Also it is necessary to increase the precision of close-contact identification, for instance, from room/floor level to few meters.
Not having such system can incur following problems :
- A waste of disease control capability and thus unstability of the whole medical system
- Decreased ability to respond flexibly to dynamically changing COVID-19 situations
- Unpredictable and extremely frequent lockdown of the society
The construction of such system is further crucial as the world is expecting for with-corona era to come.
In this project, we thus set our main goal as, to construct a Position-based Integrated Indoor Infection Safety System.
Our system implements the following three objectives :
- BLE sensor-based indoor positioning
- An algorithm of infection prediction probability estimation
- Backend infrastructure and web interfaces for live-time tracking and infection tracking

The following image is an overview of our system.

Our system successfully implemented our three objectives and we have verified the system’s performance through an end-to-end demnostration of our system.
Our project was awarded an excellence award for outstanding result in the Creative IT Design Competition of the semester.
You can see our demonstration from the youtube video below.
(Korean subtitle provided)
Further Development
We are planning to improve this system from positioning-based infection analysis to contact-based infection analysis. Through this improvement, we can further elimiate potential privacy threat by additionally applying decentralized blockchain networks to the contact database.